Bitcoin mining profitable or not | toptips4u 2021

3 min readMar 13, 2021

Successfully mining just one block of Bitcoin and keeping it from 2010 would mean you have $ 450,000 worth of bitcoins in your wallet in 2021.

Ten years ago, all you needed was a reasonably powerful computer, a stable Internet connection, and Nostradamus’s foresight. These days, thanks to industrial bitcoin mining operations, it’s not such a level playing field and for many people, the makes more sense to simply buy bitcoin on an exchange like Coinbase.

Transaction logs

The verification and addition of transactions to the public blockchain ledger. This is where you can see all the transactions that have occurred on the blockchain history.

Proof of work calculations

The energy-consuming puzzle that all Bitcoin mining machines solve every ten minutes. The miner who completes the puzzle first adds the new block to the blockchain.

Bitcoin Block Reward

Rewarded with 6.25 bitcoins. This number will drop to 6.25 bitcoins after halving in May 2021. The reward (plus transaction fees) is paid to the miner who solved the puzzle first.

How do Bitcoin miners calculate their earnings?

You have probably heard the scary stories about Bitcoin mining power consumption.

Regardless of whether the media exaggerates the impact, it is a fact that the underlying cost of mining is the energy consumed. Mining revenue must exceed those costs, plus the original investment in mining hardware, to be profitable.

1. Cheap electricity

Electricity prices vary from country to country. Many countries also charge a lower price for industrial electricity to encourage economic growth. This means that a mining farm in Russia will pay for half the electricity it would pay at home in the US In places like Germany, as you can see from the graph, that’s another story …

2. Efficient hardware

So far in this article, I have used the Whatsminer M20S as an example of the type of machine you will need to mine bitcoins. These days there are several hardware manufacturers to choose from.

The price of hardware varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and largely depends on how low the power use of the machine is compared to how much computing power it produces. The more computing power, the more bitcoins it will mine. The lower the energy consumption, the lower your monthly costs.

When choosing which machine to invest in, miners need to think about the profitability and longevity of the machine.

3. Reliable mining pool

These days, every miner needs to mine through a mining pool. Whether you are mining with one machine or with several thousand, the network of Bitcoin mining machines is so great that your chances of finding a block regularly (and thus getting the block reward and transaction fees) are very low. Here are few tips to earn money by

4. Fees when selling Bitcoin

One facet of mining profitability that is often overlooked is the fees one pays to sell Bitcoin mines. If you are a small-time miner, you may need to sell your coins on a retail market like Kraken or Binance. Sometimes their rates are low, but sometimes their rates are high; it really just depends on the exchange’s fee structure and order book status at the moment.

